Friday, January 14, 2011

My Week in Review

Things I have Learned in the Last Seven Days:

1. I love Post-it notes, a lot!
2. Curling up in the fetal position on the couch and shivering under an electric blanket for 48 hours really isn't fun. However, it WAS a lot better than being in school, which leads me to my next point...
3. Kids are germy! I had the flu for two days earlier this week, and now I have a flipping cold. Even though colds are more fun, shoot, they don't warrant missing school. Which leads me to my next point...
4. Missing school and watching hours and hours of daytime TV while drinking Sprite is so fab.
5. Hulzy posted pics from Afghanistan and he looked soooo delish! (I guess that's something I already knew, I'm just re-emphasizing it).
6. Standing on a chair and shouting about how much I love (and that we should ALL love) capitalism kind of scares 10-year-olds. Maybe next time I should take a different approach?
7. How much my heart hurts and goes out to the victims' families in Tuscon, AZ.
8. Couponing = love. My nerd-bomber coupon binder = love love. Having another non-married, twenty-something-year-old friend who has her own coupon binder and loves it shamelessly like I do = love love love.
9. Winter Carnival is now officially less than a month away!
10. I like peanut butter. Okay, I already knew that too, but my brain cells are lacking, all because of the fact that I bravely (and mistakingly) decided to read the North Wind this morning. Oops!

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