Wednesday, January 26, 2011

... but I saved $1.00 on Cheerios!

Here's the dealio... I have a near obsession with using coupons these days. My roommate, my siblings, my friends, my co-workers, and total strangers have all made fun of me in one way or another, and I always laugh, because hello, I realize that this makes me a total nerd-bomber.

BUT! Make that a nerd-bomber who's saving TONS of money baby! So who cares? I'd rather swallow live bees than pay full price for anything like toothpaste, toothbrushes, shampoo and conditioner, or toilet paper ever again. However, I know things have made an embarrassing turn when I have multiple 10-year-olds who find my couponing fun ridiculously uncool. Case in point:

Fifth grader 1: "Ms. Schmitz, what is that?"
Me: "Duh, my coupon binder."
Fifth grader 1: "Wow... that's intense."
Fifth grader 2: "You really need a hobby."
Me: "HELLO!!!!! This IS my new hobby!!!!!!!"
Fifth grader 2: "Ever heard of sports?"

Fifth grader 3: "You mean you actually take that in the STORE?"
Me: "What's your point?"
Fifth grader 3: "Don't people look at you funny?"

So sports hey? I might want to try one of those one of these days...

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